Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fourth Grade

My fascination with all things natural started back in Mrs. Hathaway's Fourth Grade Class. We were discussing science and the subject of man-made vs natural materials. I remember being confused by the term "man-made". Being an inquisitive child, I raised my hand and asked the question, "How can there be man-made materials if everything that we make must originally come from nature anyway?" I'm pretty sure my teacher was a little frustrated since I was focusing on the wrong element of the lesson plan. Mrs. Hathaway then gave me a brief explanation on "man-made". I don't really recall the exact definition she gave me then, but what I do recall is deciding then and there that it was better on all accounts if man would stop messing with nature and just use what God had designed. It would take me years to implement any form of action based on this belief. But the seed had been planted. Ten years later my first step would be to give up drinking soda. I can say that it's been eleven years since that New Years resolution. And I have kept it very well. This Blog will be about my experiences in moving closer and closer to a more natural and a less toxic lifestyle. My father always told me that it was the little steps that make a big difference. To this day I stand by that philosophy. I know that I am not the most earth-friendly person around, but I aspire to be more and more everyday. Each post will be about my little steps to a big difference. Change, one thing at a time. Eventually you will find yourself light-years away from the direction you were heading.